Thursday, July 2, 2009

Understanding Atheism through Achebe

That which does not permit comprehension
allows itself to be mystified.

It is in dark and mildewd caverns of ignorance,
that belief festers


  1. i tend strongly towards the idea that mystification *is a form of comprehension. what fun would it be without our mythologies- both those from 'history' and those we build around ourselves?

  2. Cant say i dont agree with that. This was post my shoot along the Ganga, where a lot of things i saw sort of left me quite bitter towards religion in general.

  3. agree...there is *much in religion to be bitter about. i think the problem though is with expectation- why should religion be any 'better' than say, politics? both are the results of humans grappling with the unknown. both then will have all the weaknesses (and strengths) that humans display.

    'rational' or 'scientific' thinking has hardly decreased the horror of being human. there are as many wars, as much greed, as much stupidity as there has always been. our lives are longer, but we complain about its quality. healthier, but we are bored. nothing really changes.

    heh, sorry...bit of a long rant!

  4. The length of the rant only confirms conviction. Politics and Religion are all the same compost heap, smelly and degraded, swarming with parisites. Being Human today is easier, but only for a certain percentage of the world's population.
